legal tools and equipment

Things To Consider When Hiring A Process Server

Do you want to file a court case against someone who has offended you? Are you finding it hard to trace your offender to give him notification of the case? It is a legal requirement for persons who file a case against their offenders to notify them in good time for them to appear in court for mentioning of the case. However, the process of finding your offender can be tedio
us and frustrating especially if you cannot locate him. That is why you need to hire the serviceA Process Servers of professional Process Server to help you trace and issue all the court documents you may be having. The process servers play a vital role that is why you need to select the best there is in the market.

The process servers are required by the law to follow laid down rules and regulations to ensure that all the parties adhere to the right civil procedure. That is the reason why law firms that have employed highly trained servers run more smoothly than the ones that hire unskilled servers. The following are the factors that you need to consider before hiring any process server to handle your court documents.

Factors to consider when hiring a process server

Quality of service offered

The first factor to consider when hiring a process server is his ability to meet the time deadlines in delivering your documents. This is important because it will allow your offender to have enough time to prepare and appear in court for mentioning or hearing of the case. A process server who cannot submit your documents to your offenders on time is not likely to go on with the case until its completion.


A good process server is the one who has gone through training and given a license to offer his service in this particular field. When hiring a server to handle your legal documentation, it is good to ensure that he/she a has a license to offer such services. Hiring untrained and unlicensed process servers will only lead to delays in your court case.

Evidence of service

A Process ServerWhenever you engage the services of professional process servers, they will always give you an affidavit to show that they have served all your legal documents to the intended parties. You can always produce the affidavit in court to show that the summons or complaints were successively served. These are the crucial things to consider when hiring a process server in law.

The process of serving legal documents is not an easy job, but hiring professional process servers makes it more hassle-free for you.